Monday, 30 May 2011

How to Blog

In response to Marks request on the mailing list as to how to post on blogger here's a brief how to...

In order to use blogger you need an email and password linked to Google Apps, this can be done here . If your using GMail then I think that this already done for you. It can be any Email address that belongs to you.

Second you need the blog admin (i.e. Me) to give you authoring permissions. ( I've already sent a few invites to those who've requested it.) Once this is done you can access the authoring functions of the blog by visiting and logging on using your email and Google password from above.

There should only appear one blog in the list that appears, and it should be this one. You can then select New Post to create a new post (surprise) . Most of the fields are pretty obvious in their functions. Your post should be auto-saving regularly so no real worry in losing much info when writing.

Labels are a way of grouping posts together, best just to use a number of short descriptions seperated by a ',' or leave it blank.

The 'Preview' button is useful just to get an idea how your post will look.

Post Options, below the input box, allows the post to be timed for future posting (or for retro-actively posting)  or you can display it immediately.

In any event the post will not be displayed unless  the Publish Post button is used.

Additional help is available here.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

www site is active

Have switched the blog to use so it now appears like a 'proper' website. The previous should now be inactive.

Can still create new blogs on other sub-sites on the Domain, so if any group within the club need their own private campaign blogs I can set it up for them (i.e. we could set up )

Phil should now be listed as a moderator for the Mail-list and both he and Martin have been invited to be authors on this site so that they can post messages. Any one else who wishes to contribute just needs to get in touch with details of their Google Account email address.

Will also collect a list of addresses tonight at the club to add to the mailing list.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

From Blog to Mail List

Have changed the blog settings so that it will email any posts to the FW mailing list; so hopefully everyone on the list should be getting a copy of this blog post.

This should work fine for any poster on the blog so long as the poster is also a member of the mailing list.

Think this will be useful in sending out announcements (The first proper one will probably be about Phalanx once we start recruiting more members onto the list.)

If this functionality annoys the majority of people then I can easily remove it.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

First Post

A first post on the Furness Wargamers blog, which is a candidate for being the FW's principle outward facing web presence.

The blog isn't restricted to one person posting on it, and I would prefer it not to be so. Up to 100 contributers are allowed. So long as the user has a Google account login (which does not need to be a GMail one, any valid email address can be used to set one up, so, for example, a yahoo mail address can be used) then the admin can set them up to post on the site and give them other privileges.

Permissions on comments on posts can be set to be added at multiple levels, and can be moderated if desired and\or restricted to members or those with a valid open id to prevent random spam.

If this does become the principal online point of contact I can set the web address to be or rather than the blogger default (which will still remain as a point of entry).

Since I have control of the domain and have linked it to google apps, I can create unique email addresses for you in google mail with the format <silly-or-not-name> You may wish this to obtain a level of anonymity or detachment from you conventional account. This also gives you access to other google apps such as Picasa and Blogger, but of course depends upon the continued existence of the FW domain. These mail addresses allow for email forwarding so you can re-direct the mail to your central mail address.