Tuesday, 10 May 2011

www site is active

Have switched the blog to use http://www.furnesswargamers.org/ so it now appears like a 'proper' website. The previous blog.furnesswargamers.org should now be inactive.

Can still create new blogs on other sub-sites on the Domain, so if any group within the club need their own private campaign blogs I can set it up for them (i.e. we could set up 40K.furnesswargamers.org )

Phil should now be listed as a moderator for the Mail-list and both he and Martin have been invited to be authors on this site so that they can post messages. Any one else who wishes to contribute just needs to get in touch with details of their Google Account email address.

Will also collect a list of addresses tonight at the club to add to the mailing list.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I am quite interested in contributing if possible?


