Monday, 19 March 2012

Phalanx 2012

Phalanx is the premier event for wargamers in the North West. 

And Martin is trying to arrange a trip down to it...

"The Club intends to organise a lovely little outing to the Phalanx show in St Helens, on June 16th this year. 
We do like to support them, as they are now the only real wargames show in the north west of England. Besides, its a very good day out!
Now, we can organise a minivan to take us down, or we can go by cars - it really depends how many want to go, but I would urge you to try it!"

We're not arranging a demo game this year so people are free to roam wherever they pleased (not that it ever stopped them in the past). Think the entrance fee for club members will be covered by club funds as usual.

( Facebook Event )  ( Spartans FB Page )

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